Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Using blogs for education or learning

It is undeniable that the internet in the 21st century is an essential part of people's lives. It connects people worldwide in terms of communication, business, entertainment, and even in education.

Teachers have picked up on the creative use of the internet and put the blog to work in the classroom. A blog is a web publishing tool that allows authors to quickly and easily self-publish text, artwork, links to other blogs or web sites.  Though blogs are typically thought of as personal journals, there is no limit to what may be covered in a blog. Blogs are widely popular in education. Now, blogging has become a fast, effective, and easy way to support teaching and learning. The education blog can be a powerful and effective technology tool for students and teachers alike.

It provides teachers with an excellent tool for communicating with students. The internet provides students with a wide range of information and they can organize it using blogs. It motivates the students. It helps students see their work in different subjects as interconnected and helps them organize their own learning. It provides students opportunities to develop their skills in using computer, the internet as well as their communication skills. Lastly, students may find them convenient and accessible via home or library computers.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Answer the following:

1.  We have ________ senses
2.  Which group has ALL the senses?
3.  We use our eyes to_____________.
4.  We have _______________nose (s).
5.  The ears are used for __________________
6.  The ________ is the sense organ of taste.
7.  Dave plays the music very loudly, it will soon damage his ____________.
8.  If we lose one of our senses we will die.
9.  The tongue is the largest sense organ.
10.  A pair of glasses can be used to help the sense of sight.

Good luck!

Content - 5 Senses *

Our sense of taste comes from the taste buds on our tongue. These buds are also called papillae (say: puh-pih-lee). But, the sense of smell also affects our taste.
The tongue is only able to taste four separate flavors: salty, sweet, sour and bitter. But, you might ask, how come different sweet foods taste different if there are only four flavors? That is because a combination of sweet and salty could be your favorite candy. And the combination of sweet and bitter could be the chips in your chocolate chip cookie. Everything you taste is one or more combinations of these four flavors.
Not only can your tongue taste, but it also picks up texture and temperature in your food like creamy, crunchy, hot or dry.

Our sense of sight is all dependent upon our eyes. A lens at the front of the eyeball helps to focus images onto the retina at the back of the eye. The retina is covered with two types of light sensitive cells - the cones and the rods. The cones allow us to see color and the rods allow us to see better at night and also aid us in our peripheral vision. All of this information is sent to the brain along the optic nerve.
The images sent are actually upside down and our brain makes sense of what it receives by turning the vision right side up. The brain also uses the images from two eyes to create a 3D (three dimensional) image. This allows us to perceive depth.

The sense of touch is spread through the whole body. Nerve endings in the skin and in other parts of the body send information to the brain. There are four kinds of touch sensations that can be identified: cold, heat, contact, and pain. Hair on the skin increase the sensitivity and can act as an early warning system for the body. The fingertips have a greater concentration of nerve endings.
People who are blind can use their sense of touch to read Braille - a kind of writing that uses a series of bumps to represent different letters of the alphabets.

Our nose is the organ that we use to smell. The inside of the nose is lined with something called the mucous membranes. These membranes have smell receptors connected a special nerve called the olfactory nerve. Smells are made of fumes of various substances. The smell receptors react with the molecules of these fumes and then send these messages to the brain. Our sense of smell is capable of identifying seven types of sensations. These are put into these categories: camphor, musk, flower, mint, ether, acrid, or putrid. The sense of smell is sometimes lost for a short time when a person has a cold. Dogs have a more sensitive sense of smell than man.

Our ears, which help us hear, are made of two separate parts; the outer ear and the inner ear. The outer ear is the part that others see. It works like a cup to catch sound as it travels past our heads. This part is made of cartilage and skin. From here, sound travels to the tympanic membrane and then onto the inner ear by the three smallest bones in your body. The inner ear is also called the cochlea and is a spiral shaped tube which translates vibrations into sound and sends that message to the brain through the auditory nerve. The brain uses the sounds from both the left and the right ear to determine distance and direction of sounds.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014